As we all know, urban birds have become a common nuisance to residents and businesses in and around Cardiff. We provide expert and responsible bird control, bird deterrents and proofing solutions for Cardiff and surrounding areas.
Our bird control work is fairly evenly spread between pigeon proofing and seagull proofing across both commercial and domestic properties. We also provide protection against other smaller nuisance birds such as starlings.
Both seagulls and pigeons cause similar problems:
Noise: Pigeon noise in a roof space or on a roof top can drive you to despair. Seagulls nesting in amongst your chimney pots or on top of your dormer roof can lead to sleep deprivation. We have solutions to prevent this type of problem.
Guano: Pigeon droppings are not only unsightly but a potential health risk, especially near ventilation systems – no problem we can clean it up and stop the pigeons. Guano can also be the cause for slips and falls and lead to compensation claims – again we have solutions for preventing this.
Nesting: Both pigeon and seagull nest debris and droppings can block down-pipes and guttering. as well as introduce parasites and other nuisance insects – no problem we can supply all necessary control methods to stop this.
Maternal behaviour: Anyone that has had seagulls nesting on their dormer roof or around there chimney pots will be well aware of how aggressive seagull chick parents can be. Once seagulls have nested on a property it will become an annual occurrence unless something is done to prevent them from returning.
Stock damage: Nuisance pigeons often gain access to warehouses or plant rooms, damaging stock and machinery with their guano. No problem we can protect your warehouse and plant room from pigeon ingress.
Property damage: Vehicle or building damage caused by acidic droppings – we offer a clean-up service as well as proofing and pigeon deterrent solutions.
Pest pigeon control
If you are looking for pigeon control we offer a complete range of solutions for pest pigeons and can help by providing the most appropriate pigeon control method.
Anyone that has not suffered from a pigeon control problem has no idea of just how stressful it can be to live with, they don’t realise how noisy, dirty and unhealthy they are – they are carriers of many unhealthy diseases and their guano is home to very nasty pathogens, bacteria and fungal spores.
We take more Health and Safety precautions when carrying out pigeon control work than we do with any other pest – you have to be both careful and fully aware of the consequences of not behaving in a hygienic manor.
We offer a full ranger of services from preventing pigeons landing on a sign or window ledge right thru to bird netting large expansive buildings. We know what works and what doesn’t. We also understand how to install so that the work lasts and stays in situ correctly, without causing future bird entrapment or entanglement.
Pigeon control work is carried out utilising to best advantage all the available proofing options, we take into account the cause of the actual problem, the circumstances creating the need for the bird proofing, the structure and architectural form that the proofing is to be attached to so that it compliments it visually as much as possible. We carry out bird proofing work utilising more traditional forms of protection; bird spiking, bird wire, bird netting, electrical deterrent strips, audio deterrents, hawking kites and falconry work and more recently we have introduced more modern technology such as chemical fire and laser deterrents.
So if you have a problem with pigeons give us a call so we can discuss it and we can provide you with your best options.
Seagull Control
Seagulls are large and when looking after their young can be quite aggressive, especially if you need to get up close to their nest or young. We read in the news yearly how they have attacked someone and caused some nasty injury, but there is little that can be done to prevent this at the time because the law does not allow you to interfere with seagulls and their young. Any work to prevent a repeat of any problems needs to be carried out before seagull chicks are hatched or after they have fledged.
Because of the size of seagulls and because they are not a stupid creature any work that is carried out to prevent gulls from reusing a nesting area needs to be carefully thought about; we often see bird spikes placed in and about chimney pots, or in the valley space between a chimney stack and the roof being utilised for nest construction and would always advise against this as a form of prevention on and around chimney stacks. We would always advise using mesh cages in these instances (were possible) for seagull control.
Gull spikes have their place and are great for guarding ledges and steep ridges preventing the seagulls from landing in those spots, but when used in valleys and on gentle slopes they provide no protection and are often used by the seagulls as support for the nesting material. I have lost count of the number of times we have seen them in the valley between two roofs acting as a dam preventing a proper flow of water – I would love to know what goes thru the head (if anything) of the people installing them like it.
For large areas gull netting is the most practical solution, and we use it to provide protection against seagulls on anything from small dormer domestic roofs to large solar panel arrays and industrial roofs.
Small Pest Birds
We also provide solutions to problems with small birds such as house sparrows and starlings. These services include indoor netting to warehouses (eliminating areas for the birds to hide in), catch and removal service for birds caught in warehouses or that have occupied them long-term and refuse to leave.
Bird Netting
There are many advantages to using bird netting for long-term permanent solutions of areas under high pressure (roosting and nesting birds):
- Bird netting protects property from any species of urban pest bird
- When birds have been roosting at night or nesting, it is the best method for prevention
- The complete roof or facade can be protected, so birds are pushed off site to somewhere completely different, rather than just moved about the building
- Bird netting offers a low visual impact solution and often can not be noticeably seen, even from a short distance.
- Survives well in UK’s weather, with a working life of 10 years
Bird spikes for seagulls and pigeons
Bird spikes are good for keeping birds of ledges, particular advantages of the bird spikes we use are:
- Stainless steel wires and ultra violet stabilised plastic bases offer long-term durability
- The bird spike strips can be fixed to almost any surface
- Can be fixed to surfaces not completely d
The Law
All of our work is carried out in accordance with the law and takes into consideration the health and well being of the birds while we do our utmost to carry out seagull & pigeon control work. We also carry out our work in as safe a manor as we can while taking into consideration the cost to do so, as a result we do not take silly risks whilst working at heights so as to make a job cheap – it is not worth it to anyone including the property owner.
We are trained at working at height, on the use of MEWPS (PAL), in rescue at height – we are professionals and provide quality solutions to pest bird problems, seagull control and pigeon control.
For more information please call us or fill in our contact form so we can call you.
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