You have probably arrived here because you have heard a squirrel or squirrels in your roof space and need a squirrel control service quickly.
We offer a full range of services for squirrel control, in fact we are unaware of any other local pest control business that currently offers the same level of service especially if you are unable to easily inspect your attic space.
Squirrel control is an absolute necessity if they are gaining access to your property, as well as the financial loss as a result of stored property damage the Health and Safety risks of a squirrel intrusion include fire and water damage.
It is an offence under section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) to introduce and release grey squirrels into the wild. Under the provisions of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 any person responsible for a squirrel trap, would only be responsible for any animal caught by it but not its offspring still in the wild. Under the act, it is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to a kept animal (this includes live caught animals). For these reasons we tend to use Body Grip Spring traps in cubbys to catch squirrels. This pretty much ensures a fast humane death and keeps everyone within the law.
It is legally necessary to inspect Spring traps at least once every 24 hours. Obviously if we are responsible for this then it adds a lot to the cost of the squirrel control program. However if you are able to inspect the traps yourself then this reduces the squirrel control price significantly.
We can assist in the monitoring of these traps by providing a remote monitoring system that alerts you or ourselves if there is any activity at the trap immediately after it has been set, either by an alarm going of locally or a a text being sent to us in addition to a local alarm. This allows for an immediate response and for the traps to be inspected as close to the actual time of capture as is possible.
Should it be needed we can substitute the Spring Traps with live traps, this occurs in situations where there is a possibility of a non-target species being captured.
Why squirrel control is necessary
Squirrels in the roof can cause a lot of expensive damage, not limited to but including the tearing up of insulation to create one of several drays, the gnawing of timber beams, water pipes, electric cables and any items stored. The gnawing is a result of their fast growing front teeth which they need to keep sharp by gnawing on hard objects such as woody plant materials, in order to be able to open seeds and nuts.
Often people don’t realise that they have had these unwanted guest squirrels for a period of time, but only become aware of squirrels in the attic once they can hear them, often this is once there are young ones running about.
Like all rodents squirrels have a high rate of reproduction often producing 2 litters each year normally the first litter arrives in January or February and the second litter later on in the year in mid summer. Each litter will have between 2 and 6 young. It takes approximately 10 weeks for the young to become independent.
They are most noticeably active early morning and late afternoon all year. During the summer squirrels are happiest in woodlands usually containing beech and oak, in autumn they move to hedgerows, gardens, and fields away from woods.
As well as causing property damage in roof space squirrels cause a lot of damage to the local ecology. During the months of May and June they take a particular interest in Sycamore, Beech and Maple trees that are between 10 and 40 years old, gnawing away at the main trunk while seeking the sweet sappy layers directly beneath the bark. If the tree is completely ringed it will die.
Grey Squirrels also attack many ranges of ornamental plants, fruits and vegetables. So if you have been planting tulip bulbs, crocus corms, sweet corn, strawberries, and having no success or your apples, pears or nuts have not been producing to plan, or the sunflower seed heads and flower buds of camellias and magnolias are missing you now know why.
Finally and worst of all in our opinion is the decimation of the song bird population as a result of the squirrels eating the eggs and the young of both the song birds and any ground nesting birds. For this we we have very little compassion for squirrels and feel no guilt in terminating any squirrel we cross paths with, bearing in mind they are a very successful invasive species that does nothing to benefit our British ecological environment and only adds to the reducing number of song birds, ground nesting birds and red squirrels.
Alternative squirrel control
If there is a particular area in your garden that grey squirrels sit or rest at, then spreading strong spices such as chilli powder, cinnamon or hot sauce can assist in moving them on.
Remove all food sources for the squirrel in your garden. If you use bird feeders, use squirrel-resistant feeders. Never feed a squirrel or leave food sitting outdoors for a squirrel to get at.
Physically prevention of squirrels is the ideal solution to squirrel control in the roof, however this is best done after the completion of any squirrel control program. We will advise on the best way of going about this as part of the squirrel control program, and can provide an estimate if you would like us to carry out any squirrel proofing measures after control has been gained.
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